That They May Face The Rising Sun by John McGahern

That They May Face The Rising Sun

John McGahern

A soothing book. I had difficulty getting my ear in for the first few pages, but then I was gently lulled by the pace and rhythms of the country life described. I did not want this book to end.

'Will you listen to the fucken quiet for a minute and see in the name of God if it wouldn't drive you mad?'

As if out of a deep memory of timing and ensemble playing, both men flung themselves into a comic, exaggerated attitude of listening, a hand cupped behind an ear, and stood as frozen as statues in a public place.

In the held minute, the birds seemed to sing more furiously in their branches. Bees laboured noisily between the stalks of red and white clover. Cattle lowed down by the lakeshore.

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